Carrier Rental Systems Blog

Monday, December 17, 2012

Save Money and People with the Right Equipment Rental

From our experience, we know that emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time. Some emergencies only impact an individual, while other emergencies can impact an entire city or state. Typically, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes are emergencies that impact a large portion of the population. In such emergencies, we ensure that the right equipment is available to help crews, hospitals, schools, shelters and more.

The problem that many of these facilities face is twofold. Firstly, a typical school or hospital, for example, will not have access to emergency equipment. They may have generators on hand, but it's unlikely that they'll have items like hand pumps and tow trucks available, should damage in their area or in their facility require them to do major cleanup.

The second problem that these facilities face is that often the people who work there are required to stay where they are--which means that they cannot leave to bring in equipment, should they need it.

There is one simple solution to both of the above problems and that is equipment rental, which can include everything from generators and pumps to portable heaters and dehumidifiers. What's more, many rental companies have a delivery policy in place so that the equipment can be brought  where it's needed during or after an emergency without a facility having to spare employees or volunteers to pick it up.

The cost is a great benefit, as well. It's unlikely that most public facilities have a regular need for any kind of heavy-duty emergency equipment. Purchasing industrial generators, for example, can cost thousands of dollars; the trucks and trailers that would be needed in order to transport the equipment would also cost a large sum. To avoid excess expenditures, organizations can simply rent the things they require on an as-needed basis from our company.

Those in charge of a business are often faced with handling multiple issues at once when dealing with an emergency. If company leaders are looking for ways to streamline the emergency process and avoid the confusion and chaos, call Carrier Rental Systems. Our equipment can be easily obtained even under the direst circumstances.



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