Carrier Rental Systems Blog

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Portable AC Units Increase Your Efficiency

At Carrier Rentals, our portable AC units ensure that your workers won't have to take as many breaks during the hot summer months. Construction is hot work in-and-of-itself, and having some much-needed cool air available on-demand is a great way to improve the quality of your workplace.

Air conditioning plays a large role in keeping workers going strong. When people get too hot, they begin to dehydrate. As a result, their tempers can flare, and their judgment can become less accurate. Furthermore, when the human body has to devote large amounts of energy and resources to keeping cool, it becomes fatigued. Soon, distraction sets in, and the quality of work suffers drastically as a result.

Even though you may feel that your workers are just mysteriously getting lazy as soon as the hot season hits, the reality is that the physical effects of heat are really hard to fight. Our units provide workers with the relief they need so that they don't have to waste time thinking about keeping cool or finding something to drink. They can focus on the job at hand, and they'll make you more money in the process.

Our portable AC units also help with the fact that many construction processes and related tasks create additional heat. Welding, grinding and other fabrication methods are hot enough, but the machines themselves only make things worse. Add to that the fact that your workers are often required wear heavy OSHA-approved safety gear to do their jobs, and have the perfect formula for a hot, disgruntled employee.

Remember that keeping your workers happy is vital to improving their output speed and quality. When employees are physically comfortable, they won't slack off as much, and they'll be more careful inspecting their work because doing so isn't so much of a hassle. Our industrial consumers love our portable AC units because they help impart their outdoor workers with all the same environmental comforts that their office staff thrive on.

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