Carrier Rental Systems Blog

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Convenience of Air Cooled Chillers

When hosting graduation ceremony, it is imperative to make sure every guest is comfortable in their surroundings. However, air conditioning units can become strained under pressure of cooling a space containing numerous bodies in one place. In order to ensure the atmosphere doesn't quickly become humid, hot, and muggy, an air cooled chiller may be employed to handle the load.

Air cooled chillers work like air conditioning units but exist solely to cool down liquids. The chillers operate on electricity, but suck air into the unit to supercool hoses that run through it. These hoses carry the liquid in a circulating fashion, cooling it down to extreme temperatures in a matter of seconds as it passes through. This liquid can then be fed into units that use it to create a colder environment. It can feed an HVAC system to provide extra-cold air conditioning in an area where the standard units may be insufficient, such as a room hosting a large ceremony. If the air is becoming stagnant and warm with all of the people packed into an area, an <strong>air cooled chiller</strong> will essentially drive the built-in A/C units into overdrive. They'll instantly work better and produce much colder air, bringing the temperature back to optimal levels.

Air chilled coolers are more efficient than standard air conditioning or chilling units. Just one air cooled chiller unit can likely replace several lesser machines while doing the same job. Rather than renting multiple fans or air conditioners, use a single air chilled cooler to take care of the entire event quickly, quietly, and cheaply.



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