An Air Handler Rental Provides Solutions for Renovation Projects
Renovation projects on large structures, such as a school or
manufacturing plant, can bring complications. For example, let's say school
administrators decide to renovate the school's HVAC equipment during the summer
months while the building is mostly empty. Because of the size of the school,
certain portions of it would be left without temperature control for weeks.
Despite school officially being out for the summer, you'd still have
administrative staff in the building as well as students attending summer
school. Being unable to control the humidity in the building for weeks at a
time would be a serious problem. That's where an air handler rental comes in.
Having an air handler unit available temporarily while renovations were
done would allow for temperature and humidity control while the school's permanent
HVAC system went through repairs. Air handlers are essential for passing clean,
dust free air through ducts as well as providing comfortable air temperatures.
Because it's the summer, it's especially important that the air handler rental
works to keep the humidity from getting too high around the building. With the
proper set up, the rental equipment won't cause the project to go over budget.
In fact, instead of needing costly generators, the equipment can just the use
the building's existing power source.
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